Sunday, September 20, 2009

speed bumps are stupid like the people who approve them

a few years ago a lot of bumps suddenly began appearing on the main road that runs through my suburb.
On that short 1.5 kilometer stretch 10 bumps grew. its ridiculous. it feels like i have to brake and slow down every 100 meters.

i got to thinking (yes, i do that sometimes) is making the drive bumpy and uncomfortable the best way to make people drive properly?
well, i thought, the existing road conditions with all the potholes and bad patches are already doing a fine job at that. so why spend money to make it that way?
does anyone wonder why our money is being spent like this?

here's a thought - instead of spending our hard-earned tax money on making our roads bumpy, why not spend it making our bumpy roads smooth? that sounds like a really good idea to me (yeah, sometimes i do get some of those).
is making roads bumpy and uncomfortable the only way to make drivers drive safely?
why, is it because some drivers are too retarded to know that it is dangerous to speed on roads where kids could suddenly dash across the street? or is it because there are parents who would let their kids who don't know how to cross the road out on their own? (i wonder which is actually worse?)

i don't think that the braking and accelerating over all those the bumps everyday is doing my car any good.
it pains me because I actually take pretty good care of my car. I admit I don't wash it as often as I should but it's still a pretty well mantained car.
I feel sadness and pity for my car each time I go down that road.
my brakes are getting worn and my suspension are getting spongy. my new suspension. I just changed them beginning of this year. i tell you, its all that unnecessary wear and tear.
so besides spending our money to make our roads less driveable, we need to spend even more on car maintenance and repairs. that doesn't sound right.
and what about the increased petrol consumption from the constant stopping and accelerating? you know, a lot more petrol is used when accelerating as compared to cruising at constant speed. petrol isn't cheap and it isn't getting cheaper. plus crude oil is a very limited resource.
not only that, the more petrol we burn the more pollution we create. we're talking about greenhouse gasses, people. CO2. noticed the weather's been super hot lately? hotter than it used to be?
and I'll bet those houses that are located so strategically in front of those bumps started getting a whole lot dustier too. lots of brake dust and exhaust soot for the residents to inhale. nothing beats the great feeling of breathing in the cool morning air. except the morning air isn't that cool any more and those school buses and cars are kicking up plenty of dust as they slow down before spewing out nice healthy doses of exhaust as they rev up their engines loudly over those bumps. nice. a great way to start the day. must be good for people with asthma because if it hasn't already killed them, it would've made them stronger.

so... they're extremely inefficient, they're bad for our cars and bad for the environment. I'll even say that they are actually dangerous. Our infamous Malaysian motorcyclists will try to avoid the bumps by veering off the side of the road. That's dangerous for pedestrians. Also, if those motorcyclists were doing their superman thing and hit one of those bumps while dong 100km/h they could get seriously injured - which is not nice, because Mat Rempits are a national heritage.

for those who are asking, "what is this "mat rempit" he speaks of?", an excellent definition of this term can be found here: Mat Rempit - Uncyclopedia

And what if there was a real emergency? What if my house was on fire but the fire trucks could only drive at 15km/h because of those (**profanity removed**) bumps which caused them to arrive in time only to see my house reduced to ashes and rubble?

If we really have to spend money to get some sense into those moron drivers I offer some suggestions: policeman with radar gun. speed camera. strict penalties. actual law enforcement. make them wear electrified collars that would zap them if they exceeded the speed limit. whatever it is, it should be some kind of active enforcement. come on people, we won't get anywhere by being lazy!

I know what some of you are thinking. those bumps are there to save innocent lives from those morons who aren't civil enough to drive safely through housing estates.
ok, if the moron kills himself because of his own irresponsible driving I would call that justice. I'd say the world is safer with one less moron on our roads.
the tragedy is when the moron takes an innocent life. that would be very sad. really. however, out of this tragedy the moron gets a life sentence or his drivers license is banned for life, thus making our world a safer place.

Besides, why should I be paying? My driving is perfectly fine. Its the morons who should pay!

So i guess i won't be getting my lamborghini anytime soon (yeah right!). at least not until those stupid speed bumps are removed.

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